
The present policy aims at specifying which kind of cookies are used in the following web site: and in what way they are used. The following Cookie Policy (or “extended information notice”) concerning the use of cookies, is offered to the user as implementation of the Measure provided by the Italian Data Protection Authority of May 8th 2014 “Identification of simplified procedures for the information and acquisition of the consent about cookies use”, in compliance with the related explanations issued by the Authority itself and with the art. 13 and 122 of Italian Data Protection Code (Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 or “Privacy Code”).

The information notice is arranged and updated by Maserati S.p.A. (the “Company”) which is the site manager and data controller of personal data related to it. Maserati S.p.A. has its legal head office in Modena, Viale Ciro Menotti, no. 322.

Any further request about the use of cookies in the present site can be sent to By contacting this e-mail address it is possible to exercise the rights provided for the data subject by the “Privacy Code” (art. 7 and following: eg. access, cancellation, update, adjustment, integration etc.). By contacting this site it is also possible to require the updated list of the data processors who are possibly appointed. In any case the personal data are managed by people who are specifically chosen by the Company to do that, they won’t be shared or communicated.

What are cookies?
A "cookie" is a small text file which is installed by web sites in the user's computer when the user enters a certain site or uses the services offered by it. The purpose is to gather and move information. The cookies are sent by a web server (which is the computer where the visited site is working) to the user’s browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) and saved in the user’s computer. For further information about cookies you can visit the following web pages:

What kind of cookies are there?
There are different kinds of cookies, any of them has different features. According to the above mentioned regulation, they can be classified as follows:

  • Technical cookies: they are necessary to make the web site work properly and to allow web surfing; without them the web surfer might not be able to view internet pages correctly or to use some services. A technical cookie is needed, for example, to keep the user always connected during his visit at a web site, or to save the language or visualization settings. The technical cookies can further be divided into: 1) surfing cookies, that allow normal surfing and common use of the web site (they allow, for example, validation to enter restricted areas/services); 2) analytic cookies, they are similar to technical cookies only when: a) they are used directly by the site manager to gather information in aggregated form about the users number or about the way they visit the site; b) used by a third party (with IP disguise and without cross-check or enrichment with other data owned by the third party); 3) function cookies, they allow the user to surf according to a set of selected parameters (the language for example) in order to improve the service standards. When using these cookies the user’s consent about the management of implied personal data isn’t necessary in accordance with what is provided by the current regulation (art. 122 of the Privacy Code and Measure of Authority of May 8th 2014).
  • Profiling cookies: they are needed to create profiles related with the user and are used to promote offers in the web that are consistent with the user’s preferences. These cookies aren’t necessary for the correct site working, they are used exclusively to allow the surfer to get to know the offers which best meet his/her needs. The analytic cookies can be put into this group if they belong to the third party and if no tools are implemented which allow to limit the identifying power and if the third party meets the data obtained by the cookies with others which it already has available.

The above mentioned technical and profiling cookies can further be divided into:
  • First party cookies, those that are directly created and managed by the manager of the web site in which the user is surfing.
  • Third party cookies those that are created and managed by subjects that aren’t the manager of the web site in which the user is surfing (usually thanks to a contract between web site manager and third party).

Which cookies does this site use?
This site uses technical cookies (as above classified) that are essential to surf in it and to operate with some specific functions. These cookies can be divided into:
  • surfing / essential / performing cookies: they guarantee the usual surfing and common use of the web site (they allow, for example, to validate to enter restricted areas); if these cookies are blocked the site might not work properly anymore. In this site these cookies are temporary and first party cookies;

  • function / preference / localization / state of working session cookies: they allow to save information that change the site operating mode and its look (selected language, dimensions of texts and characters, geographic area in which it lies). If they are blocked, surfing will be less efficient but still possible. These cookies allow the site to remember the choices made in the past (as, for example, the favourite language, subjects of interest, etc.), they allow the site to offer the customized functions which were selected, so that they improve the surfing experience. These cookies can be used in some cases to offer on line services or to avoid that the user is offered services that he already refused in the past. In this site these cookies are temporary and first party cookies;
  • third party statistic / analytic cookies without identifying power (with IP disguise and without cross-check or enrichment with other data owned by the third party): our site uses Google Analytics service provided by Google Inc. for Sites management. Google Analytics also issues cookies that create information about the user’s use of the web site. Accordingly with the current regulation, these cookies can be considered as very similar to the technical cookies as they comply with the following requirements: measures are taken to limit the cookies identifying power since parts of IP are disguised (as explained under the following link:; the third party mentions its commitment to use these cookies exclusively to provide the required service, to keep them separate, and not to “develop” them nor to meet them with other information it already has. With regards to this subject we’d like to inform you that the site manager didn’t link Google Analytics to any other Google additional service and that no advertising or data sharing option has been stated with Google. Moreover it is possible to provide the used browser with an additional component to turn off Google Analytics (

For all these reasons, thanks to all the adopted precautions about using these cookies and about the management of personal data related to them, it is not necessary to ask for consent, according to what the current regulation prescribes (art. 122 of the Privacy Code and Measure of Authority of May 8th 2014).

List of first party Cookies

Session cookieJSESSIONIDTill session end (timeout 8 Hours)
It is created and managed by plugin jqueryLayout, its job is to remember if the user hid the menu and/or the headerLayoutTill session end (timeout 8 Hours)
Its job is to show, only at the first access to the home page, the link at the bottom on the right ”Back to master” or “Back to admin”firstTill session end (timeout 8 Hours)
It shows if the user has displayed the welcome popupwelcomeShownTill session end (timeout 8 Hours)

List of third party Cookies*

PurpusesNameThird partyDurationLinks for information and consent
It is used to distinguish users and sessions. This cookie was created while implementing javascript library and no __utma cookie exists. Any time data are sent to Google Analytics the cookie is updated.__utmaGoogle2 years from update
It is used to identify new sessions/visits. This cookie was created while implementing javascript library and no __utmb cookie exists. Any time data are sent to Google Analytics the cookie is updated.__utmbGoogle30 minutes from update
Historically this cookie has been used with cookie __utmb to find out if the user is in a new session/visit.__utmcGoogleTill session end
It is used to manage the traffic level__utmtGoogle10 minutes
It saves the traffic source or campaign which tells the way how the user reached the site. This cookie was created while implementing javascript library and no __utmz cookie exists. Any time data are sent to Google Analytics the cookie is updated.__utmzGoogle6 months from update

* The third party is also responsible for the completeness of the third party cookies list.

How to manage or cancel cookies
At first most of internet browsers are so set up that they accept cookies automatically. But this setting out can be modified so that cookies can be blocked or you can be informed any time cookies are sent to the surfing device. Moreover, at the end of any surfing session, it’s possible to cancel from surfing device all gathered cookies. You can manage cookies in many different ways. About this subject, we ask you to refer to the specific instructions of the used browser. In case different devices are used to access and display the site(for example, computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), the user will have to make sure that every browser for each device is so regulated that it follows the given instructions in matter of cookies. For further information about cookies management please consult the following page

By selecting the following links it’s possible to access to the specific instructions about cookies management through some of the main surfing programs.

Microsoft Windows Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari


If none of above mentioned browsers is used, in any case it’s possible to select the item “cookie” in the specific section of browser instructions and find out where the file for cookies management is.
© Maserati 2013
Informations sur les cookies